10 Reasons Why Cats Are The Best Pets

Cats are just amazing animals and there are so many good reasons to have at least one as a pet. Furry, adorable and playful, what’s not to love? Feline enthusiasts generally don’t need much convincing to get a pet cat, any reason will do. However, in case you need any more convincing to get a feline companion, take a look at these reasons why cats are the best pets.  Even if you’re already a cat lover, these benefits will make you appreciate your feline friend even more. Perhaps these benefits can even help change your parent or significant others’ opinion of our favorite pets.

1. They Are Low Maintenance

cats are the best pets because they're low maintenance. They don't need to be taken for walks, so you can sleep in.
Dog Owners vs Cat Owners on a Cold Winter Morning Meme

I just had to share this meme in case you’ve never seen it. It is very funny but it also could not be more accurate and shows just how low maintenance cats are

Time committment

If you’re the type of person who likes having a lie in bed on a cold winter morning, then a kitty may be the best pet for you. Unlike their canine counterparts, felines don’t need to be walked multiple times per day. There is a lot less time commitment with cats. As long as your feline friend has access to fresh food, clean water, a clean litter box and comfortable spot to sleep they’re generally happy. For this reason they can also be left alone at home for longer periods of time. Kitties may need some toys however to keep them entertained because they can get bored, which can lead to depression.


When it comes to grooming, kitties are good at taking care of themselves in that department apart from brushing in longer haired cats. This again, saves you time and energy. Cat’s don’t sweat, therefore they don’t produce much body odor. They are very clean animals so they rarely if ever require a bath.

They’re quiet

Felines can also be great if you’re living in an apartment because they’re very quiet pets. This results in a lot less neighbor complaints. Even the loudest kitty meow is much quieter compared to a dog bark. Apart from that, our furry companions sleep for a large part of the day, even up to 20 hours. This is another reason why they are very low maintenance as pets.

2. They Cost Less to Care for Than a Dog

Cat sitting in a paper bag

One of the reasons why cats make the best pets is because they generally cost a lot less to keep than dogs. According to Visions cats cost less to buy or adopt. They also don’t require as much maintenance or resources as dogs do. Vet visits for dogs tend to be higher than for felines. Cats also tend to require less food and fewer toys than dogs. As previously stated, cats are good at grooming themselves therefore they rarely require trips to the groomer. Overall, cats tend to cost significantly less than dogs to take care of. Just take a look at the expenses comparison on ASPCA.

3. Prevent allergies

Girl with Cat

Buying your child a pet cat at a very young age, could potentially prevent them from developing allergies and asthma in the future. The younger the age that the child is exposed to pets, the greater the benefit.

The reason for this could be that in order for a child to develop a strong immune system, they need to be exposed to germs. It is not beneficial for a child to develop in an environment that is too clean. This is where our beloved furry companions come in. It seems that our kitties provide just the right amount of allergens for children to be able to develop strong immune systems. So don’t fuss too much about keeping your home squeaky clean and let your little ones cuddle with their favorite pet. It will benefit their immune system in the long term.

4. Lower risk of heart disease

human hand and cat paw making a heart

Yes it might seem too good to be true, but according to ABC News research shows that people who have never owned a cat have a 40 percent greater risk of death due to heart attack and a 30 percent greater risk of death from any other cardiovascular disease. 

So how could this be? You may ask. Well, there are a number of potential reasons. It could be the calming effect of being around a cat which helps relieve stress. Since stress is a major contributor to heart disease, this adds up. On the other hand, some argue that correlation is not proof of cause. It could also be that perhaps the type of people who like having cats tend not to have high stress personalities. Whatever the reason may be, I’m adding this to my list of excuses to get another cat. 

5. Purr can be healing

Cat purring is one of the reasons why cats are the best pets

Isn’t the sound of your feline companion purring, just the most relaxing sound in the world? It turns out that it also comes with some added health benefits such as pain, relief, healing bones and tendons, lowering blood pressure and even healing infections. At first, this might sound like a made up cat enthusiast conspiracy theory. 

Well, there are many stories of cat owners who claim their kitties purring helped reduce their pain. A cat’s purr frequency is exactly 26 Hertz. This is the same frequency that scientists study in vibrational therapy which promotes tissue regeneration. This means that theoretically, a cat’s purr can have healing properties. Generally kitties purr when they are happy, but on occasion can also purr as a soothing mechanism when they are scared, in pain or even dying. It is suggested that purring is a healing mechanism which can help the cat heal and even save their life. The same purring can also benefit the humans around them.

6. They are great entertainers

cat ready to pounce on mouse toy

You’ve just got to watch a funny cat video on YouTube, to know that kitties are excellent comedians. They are great at entertaining themselves with toys and they also enjoy playing with their owners. Felines have very playful and inquisitive minds, which is why they always come up with new ways to make their humans laugh. Even when you think you’ve seen it all before, they come up with new ways to surprise us. Since the majority of domesticated kitties no longer need to hunt for their food, they usually release this stored up energy through playtime. You may find your kitty trying to play hide and seek with you by hiding and then jumping out as you walk by.

7. They boost your mood

Young woman with cat

Anyone who has ever petted their feline friend while feeling stressed, anxious or depressed can attest to the calming effects of their furry companion. Perhaps it’s the kitty’s warmth when they snuggle up to you, the sound of their calming purr or maybe it’s the sensation of their soft fur between our fingers that makes us feel less stressed.

According to Natusan, studies have shown that playing with or petting our feline companions can increase “happy hormones” such as serotonin and dopamine, which help to relax us. Being around a purring cat can also release endorphins which increases feelings of wellbeing. Personally I can testify to these calming and mood improving effects. Sometimes when I am stressed because of exams or other life circumstances, there is nothing more comforting than snuggling up with my kitty and just listening to him purr. 

8. They are great companions

Elderly woman with cat

While cats can live solitary lives out in the wild, they are actually very social and make great companions. In fact, cats that have developed a strong bond with their owners can even develop separation anxiety if their owner leaves for an extended period of time or abandons them. Felines love to be near their owners and often greet them at the door or follow them around. They also love to snuggle up to their owners on the bed or couch. 

Many people find it easier to cope with difficult circumstances or the loss of a loved one when they have a furry companion. This is because their pet provides a comforting presence which helps reduce feelings of loneliness. You can cuddle with your kitty and even talk to them without any judgment. This can be great for mental health, especially for people who feel socially isolated. This feline to human relationship is very much mutually beneficial. Our felines also enjoy their human companions and express their love for them. If you’re not sure if your kitty loves you, take a look at Cat Love Language Demystified to learn about how kitties express their love and affection towards their humans.

9. They have a long lifespan

Beautiful Senior Cat resting

Saying goodbye to your favorite furry companion can be heartbreaking and we always dread the moment we’ll have to let our pet go. Thankfully most domesticated cats can live for quite a long time between 10 to 20 years. Their average lifespan is around 15 years. It may never feel like it’s enough time with them, but there are a few things you can do to help your feline friend live a long and healthy life. Make sure you feed your feline high quality food and ensure they get plenty of exercise through playtime. It is also important to schedule regular vet visits to make sure no health issues go undetected and can be treated promptly.

10. They’re Super Cute

Cute kitten in a bowl

I’m kind of stating the obvious here, but the list would be incomplete without it. There is a reason we love our felines so much, and it’s because they are super cute. From their big expressive eyes to their cute little paws. You simply cannot resist a kitty’s charm. Studies have shown that our furry companions can activate our brain’s cuteness response similarly to that of a baby. This could be because of kitties’ physical characteristics such as big eyes and small noses, which can resemble that of a baby. Kitties also possess very childlike behaviors such as playfulness, curiosity, clumsiness and affection. Our felines know how to use all these traits to their advantage, but we definitely don’t mind!

Final Thoughts

There you go! These are your top 10 reasons why cats are the best pets. This is not an exclusive list, and surely many more reasons could be added. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and hopefully by now you’re convinced of just how amazing our furry companions really are. Now go and enjoy those purrr-fect kitty benefits.

Perhaps you’re reading this article and you’re thinking ‘I like cats and I want to get one but they don’t seem to like me’. Don’t worry, I’ve got a solution for you. Head over here to get my free guide to making your cat fall in love with you.

Can you guess which one is the good boy and which one's the naughty boy?

Good Boy Cat
Tadziu the Good Boy
Naughty Boy Cat
Edziu the Naughty Boy